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英语演讲稿:My family

作者:小丸子  时间:2015-03-23 18:44:37

Hello, everyone

My name is Billy, I am ten years old. I am from Pei Yuan Primary School. Today, I want to introduce my family.

There are three people in my family, my father, mother and I. we live in Yixing.

My father works in the Bank of China. He is busy, so he often gets home very late, but he will come to my bedroom and say “good night” to me everyday whenever how late.

My mother is a beautiful middle-aged woman. She has short hair and wears a pair of glasses. I love my mother, because she does most of the housework in my home and she does everything for me. Every day she spends some time with me on my study. She is a good teacher as well as my dear mother.

I am thin and not tall, but I like sports. I can skate, play badminton and swim. My favorite sport is playing badminton. I usually play it with my mother every Sunday. I believe playing badminton will bring me good health.

This is my family, father, mother and I. I love my family very much, because “be it every so humble, there is no place like home.”

At last I am going to sing for everyone, “you are my sunshine.”


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