我可以问大家几个问题吗?你每天早上起来用什么洗脸呢?你妈妈每天做饭都需要用什么呢?而你每当口渴的时候喝的都是什么呢?答案可以是同一个:水。 是啊, 水对于维持我们的生命至关重要,并且是世界上最重要,最珍贵的资源。要是没有水,人类无法生存,更不用说发展和进步了。
至今为止仍然认为水资源是取之不尽,用之不竭的想法是愚蠢和有害的。实际上,淡水资源是非常有限的。虽然水占地球表面的70%,但是只有2.6%的是淡水,而其中99% 都被冻结在荒芜人烟的南北极,只用不到1%可以利用。我们都知道淡水是如此的重要,那么淡水的缺乏都导致许多的问题甚至带来灾难。或许大家都听说过,在未来国家之间很有可能会发生水之战。而我们的母亲河—黄河每年也要断流几个月。如果你觉得这些还离我们的生活太遥远的话,那么我就以我们的城市深圳为例吧。大家都知道深圳是一个沿海城市,我们地下的淡水资源非常的稀少,如果我们过度使用,将会发生海水倒灌的现象,那么以后,或许就是不久的将来我们将会没有任何可以喝的淡水了。作为一个深圳的中学生,我们应该深深地知道水对我们的重要性,节约用水,不能浪费一点水。让我们从我自己做起,从小事做起。
Making full use of water
Good morning:
Boys, girls and dear teachers.
Do you know the date of tomorrow? Right. March the twenty second. It’s the World Water’s Day.So today the topic of my speech is “ Making full use of water.”
May I ask you some qustions? What do you use to wash your face? What does your mother cook meals with? What do you drink when you are thirsty? All the answer can be water. Water is of all importance to maintain our lives, and is one of the most important and valuable resource in the world. Without water, we will die, not to mention development or progress.
Since water is so important, but do you know what is the situation of water resource now? It’s foolish and harmful to think water is inexhaustible in supply and always available for use. As s mstter of fact, the amount of water is so limited in the world. Though water takes up 70% of the surface of earth, only 2.6% of them is fresh water, which is suitable to drink. What’s worse, nearly 99% of them is frozen on south pole and north pole, too far and too difficult to make use of them, so only 1% fresh water can be used. We all know water is necessary to our lives, and the short ot water leads to many problems and even disaster. Maybe you have heard in future some countries will be at war only for water, and our mother river---- yellow river dries out for several months each year. If you still think it is too far away from ourlives,let’s take our city ---- Shenzhen for example. Shen zhen is a coastal city, the fresh is so limited underground here. If we overuse it, the sea water will flow into our ground, so in future or in next century we won’t have no fresh water to drink. As a stuedent in Shenzhen, we should know the importance of water for us, and make full use of it, and don’t waste any of it. Let’s do it now, just from ourselves.
That’s all, thank you.