皮皮阅读 · 自深深处
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发布时间:2023-03-16 10:52:59

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While I was in Wandsworth Prison I longed to die. It was my one desire[82a]. When after two months in the Infirmary I was transferred here, and found myself growing gradually better in physical health, I was filled with rage. I determined to commit suicide on the very day on which I left prison. After a time that evil mood passed away, and I made up my mind to live, but to wear gloom as a King wears purple: never to smile again[82b]: to turn whatever house I entered into a house of mourning: to make my friends walk slowly in sadness with me: to teach them that melancholy is the true secret of life: to maim them with an alien sorrow: to mar them with my own pain. Now I feel quite differently. I see it would be both ungrateful and unkind of me to pull so long a face that when my friends came to see me they would have to make their faces still longer in order to show their sympathy, or, if I desired to entertain them, to invite them to sit down silently to bitter herbs and funeral baked meats[82c]. I must learn how to be cheerful and happy[82d].在瓦兹华斯监狱时我真想死。一心想死[82a]。在医院里呆了两个月后便转到这里,发现自己身体渐渐好转,气得不得了,下决心出狱当天就自杀。过了一阵,心中的这股恶气消了,我决心活下去,但要像君王坐在宝座上那样,坐定愁城,永不再微笑[82b]。不管进哪家房子都要让那一家变得像刚死了人似的,不管哪个朋友跟我走在一起都要愁冗冗的举步维艰。要让他们知道悲愁乃生活的真正秘密,要让他们的心因为一份与己无干的悲怆而凋零,要让他们的日子因为我的痛苦而残缺。现在我的感受就大不一样了。我看到,要是自己整天郁郁寡欢地拉长脸,弄得朋友探访时得把脸拉得更长以示同情;或者一招待他们,就请人家坐下来默默地品尝苦涩的药草、火葬场烤出的肉块——要是那样就太忘恩负义、太对不住人家了[82c]。我必须学会欢乐,学会快乐[82d]。 


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