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发布时间:2023-03-08 09:49:57

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从来没有一位华尔街高管,因其促成金融危机的行为而锒铛入狱:Jed S.Rakoff, "The Financial Crisis: Why Have No High-Level Executives Been Prosecuted?" New York Review of Books,January 9, 2014。

第1节 止赎来敲门

佛罗里达州、亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州和内达华州的房价飙升:Federal Housing Finance Agency, purchase-only index data for Q1 1998 to peak,www.fhfa.gov/DataTools/Downloads/Pages/ House-Price-Index-Datasets.aspx。

2006年有官方记录的次级抵押贷款,过半数发放于这四个州:Shayna M.Olesiuk and Kathy R.Kalser, "The Sand States: Anatomy of aPerfect Housing-Market Storm,”FDIC Quarterly 3, no.1 (April 2009).

每二十二位佛罗里达房屋所有人中:Les Christie,“Foreclosures up a Record 81% in 2008,”CNNMoney.com, January 15, 2009。  

“阴沟送达”:“Super SeWer Service-I Feel Bad for All the People Who Lost Their Homes and Were Obviously Not Served," 4closurefraud.org,October 3, 2010。

虚假的止赎文书收件人: Shannon Behnken,‘'Judge Wants Answers to Foreclosure Document Fees," Tampa Tribune, November 18, 2010。 

购房者无法申请抵押贷款,而是要通过借贷购买拥有整栋大楼所有权的那家公司的股份: HSBC,“Owning a Co-Op: 10 Questions to Ask Before You Buy,”https: //www.us.hsbcxom/l/PA _1_083Q9FJ08A002FBP5 S00000000/content/ussharecl/Personal% 20Services/Horne%20Loans/Mort9age/FYI/Shared/Coop%20Guide.pdf。

亚美利奎特(Ameriquest)——美国最大的抵押贷款公司:Kathy Kristof and David Streitfeld, "Ameriquest Plans to Cut 3, 800 Jobs," LosAngeles Times, May 3, 2006。

另一家巨头“新世纪金融公司”:Julie Creswell,“Mortgage LenderNew Century Financial Files for Bankruptcy," New York Times,April 2, 2007。

美联储主席本·伯南克向联合经济委员会声称: Ben Bernanke,“The Economic Outlook," testimony before the Joint EconomicCormittee, March 28, 2007, www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/testimony/bernanke20070328a.htm。

杰出的金融分析师乔什·罗斯纳指出:Joshua Rosner,Graham Fisher & Co., "Housing in the New Millennium:A Home Without Equity Is Just aRental with Debt,”June 29, 2001, http; //papers.ssrn.com/so13/papers.cfm?  abstract _id= 1162456。

政府邀请摩根大通将其收购:Andrew Ross Sorkin,“JPMorgan Pays $2 a Share for Bear Steams,”New York Times, March 17, 2008。

摩根大通等银行接受了政府数千亿美元的救援资金: JPMorganChase received  $ 25  billion on  October  28,  2008,  through the CapitalPurchase Program.Information from Pro Publica, "Eye on the Bailout,"https:  //projects.propublica.org/bailout/programs/l-capital-purchase-program。

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