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The Christmas Gift (1)

发布时间:2022-05-08 10:07:34

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It was Christmas day. Kayleen had invited her boyfriend Hugo over for Christmas dinner. He arrived a little after 1:00. He was carrying a big plastic bag. He put the bag on the floor inside her front door. She looked at the bag, but she didn’t ask what was in it. They had already agreed not to give each other gifts; they were trying to save money for a down payment on a house after they got married. They hugged each other.

Hugo asked Kayleen to give him a kiss. "No," she said. He asked her if she knew what day it was. Of course, she replied; it was Christmas day. No, he told her, it was actually “Kissmas” day—that’s why she should kiss him. She laughed, and gave him a big kiss. She went back into the kitchen to continue with her dinner preparation. He turned on the bedroom TV and hoped that there was something interesting to watch; five minutes later, his nose was in a book.

A while later, Kayleen entered the bedroom and said, “Let’s go for a walk in the park.” It was a beautiful day—blue sky, some white clouds, and about 66 degrees. Who needs snow when you can have this, Hugo thought.

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