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The Christmas Gift (2)

发布时间:2022-05-08 10:06:21

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Many people were enjoying themselves in the park that Christmas day. A group of people were playing volleyball. All the tennis courts were packed. Some people were lawn bowling. Holding hands, Hugo and Kayleen walked all the way around the park. They played soccer with a pine cone. They petted a dog and talked to its owner.

When they returned to Kayleen’s apartment, Hugo dug into the plastic bag and pulled out an old clamp-on lamp from his apartment that he hadn’t used for years. “What’s this?” Kayleen asked.

“I thought you might like this lamp,” Hugo replied. “Your apartment needs more light. I was going to throw it out, but then I thought you might want it.”

“It’s Christmas day, and you’re bringing me a used lamp? A used lamp that doesn’t even have a bulb in it?! Is that the best thing you could come up with on Christmas day? Look here, you didn’t even bother to clean this thing before bringing it into my house!” Indeed, Hugo had missed a couple of spots on the lamp where dust had accumulated. Jeez, Hugo muttered to her, if she didn’t like it, he’d take it home.

“No,” she ordered. “Give it to me.” Feeling better, he gave it to her. She opened the door and threw it outside. “All you can give me on Christmas day is second-hand crap?! That’s all I’m worth to you? Get out of here, and take your bag of garbage with you, Santa Claus!”

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