皮皮阅读 · 自深深处
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发布时间:2023-03-16 11:47:05

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You surely must realise that now ? You must see now that your incapacity of being alone: your nature so exigent in its persistent claim on the attention and time of others: your lack of any power of sustained intellectual concentration: the unfortunate accident — for I like to think it was no more — that you had not yet been able to acquire the “Oxford temper” in intellectual matters, never, I mean, been one who could play gracefully with ideas but had arrived at violence of opinion merely — that all these things, combined with the fact that your desires and interests were in Life not in Art, were as destructive to your own progress in culture as they were to my work as an artist[6a] ? When I compare my friendship with you to my friendship with such still younger men as John Gray and Pierre Lou?s[6.1] I feel ashamed. My real life, my higher life was with them and such as they. 


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