皮皮阅读 · 自深深处
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发布时间:2023-03-16 11:16:20

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Will you say, in answer to my questions, that in one of my Holloway letters I had myself asked you to try, as far as you were able, to set me a little right with some small portion of the world? Certainly, I did so. Remember how and why I am here, at this very moment. Do you think I am here on account of my relations with the witnesses on my trial? My relations, real or supposed, with people of that kind were matters of no interest to either the Government or Society. They knew nothing of them, and cared less. I am here for having tried to put your father into prison. My attempt failed of course. My own Counsel threw up their briefs. Your father completely turned the tables[46a] on me, and had me in prison, has me there still. That is why there is contempt felt for me. That is why people despise me. That is why I have to serve out every day, every hour, every minute of my dreadful imprisonment. That is why my petitions have been refused[46b]. 

为了回答我的这些问题,你会不会说,我自己在荷洛威监狱里写的一封信中,要你尽可能在小小一部分世人面前还我一些清白? 没错,我是说了。记住我为什么此时此刻会在这里。你认为我在这里是因为同那些原告证人的关系吗?我同那种人的关系,不管是真的还是猜的,政府和社会都不感兴趣。这些人他们根本不知道,更不会去注意。我在这里,是因为本想把你父亲关进监狱。当然我失败了。我的辩护律师撒手认输了。你父亲反败为胜[46a],把我给关进了监狱,还关着呢。这就是为什么我被人看不起。这就是为什么人们鄙视我。这就是为什么我得一天一天、一小时一小时、一分钟一分钟地服完这可怕的徒刑。这就是为什么我要求提前释放的请愿书都被拒绝了[46b]。


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