皮皮阅读 · 自深深处
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发布时间:2023-03-16 10:57:22

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When first I was put into prison some people advised me to try and forget who I was. It was ruinous advice[76a]. It is only by realising what I am that I have found comfort of any kind. Now I am advised by others to try on my release to forget that I have ever been in a prison at all. I know that would be equally fatal[76b]. It would mean that I would be always haunted by an intolerable sense of disgrace, and that those things that are meant as much for me as for anyone else—the beauty of the sun and the moon, the pageant of the seasons, the music of daybreak and the silence of great nights, the rain falling through the leaves, or the dew creeping over the grass and making it silver—would be tainted for me, and lose their healing power and their power of communicating joy[76c]. To reject one’s own experiences is to arrest one’s own development. To deny one’s own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one’s own life. It is no less than a denial of the Soul. For just as the body absorbs things of all kinds, things common and unclean no less than those that the priest or a vision has cleansed, and converts them into swiftness or strength, into the play of beautiful muscles and the moulding of fair flesh, into the curves and colours of the hair, the lips, the eye[76d]: so the Soul, in its turn, has its nutritive functions also, and can transform into noble moods of thought, and passions of high import, what in itself is base, cruel, and degrading: nay more, may find in these its most august modes of assertion, and can often reveal itself most perfectly through what was intended to desecrate or destroy. 

刚进监狱时,有些人劝我忘掉自己是谁。 要听了这话就完了[76a]。只有领悟了自己是什么人,我心中才有安宁可言。现在又有些人劝我一出狱就忘掉自己曾经坐过牢。我知道要听了这话也会同样要命的[76b]。这意味着一种不可容忍的耻辱之感将永远紧追我不舍,这意味着那些我跟旁人一样钟爱的事物——日月之美、四季之盛、黎明的音乐、长夜的静谧、绿叶间滴落的雨点、悄悄爬上草地把它缀成银光一片的露珠——这一切在我眼里都将蒙上污渍,失去它们疗治心灵的能力,失去它们传达欢乐的能力[76c]。抵讳自己的经历就是遏止自己的发展。抵赖自己的经历就是让自己的生命口吐谎言。这无异于排斥灵魂。因为就像我们的肉体什么都吸收,既吸收经牧师或圣灵的显现净化过的东西,也吸收世俗不洁的东西,林林总总,都化为力气和速度,化为肌肉优美的动作,化为悦目的皮肤,化为头发、嘴唇、眼睛的线条与色泽[76d];灵魂同样的,也有它摄取营养的功能,能把本来是下作的、残忍的、堕落的东西,化为高尚的思想和高雅的情怀。不止如此,灵魂还能在这些东西中找到最尊严的方式来伸张自己,也能经常通过本来意在亵渎、毁灭的东西来把自己最完美地彰显出来。 


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