皮皮阅读 · 自深深处
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发布时间:2023-03-16 10:24:18

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If I ever write again, in the sense of producing artistic work, there are just two subjects on which and through which I desire to express myself[117a]: one is “Christ, as the precursor of the Romantic movement in life:” the other is “the Artistic life considered in its relation to Conduct.” The first is, of course, intensely fascinating, for I see in Christ not merely the essentials of the supreme romantic type, but all the accidents, the wilfulnesses even, of the romantic temperament also. He was the first person who ever said to people that they should live “flower-like” lives[117.1]. He fixed the phrase. He took children as the type of what people should try to become. He held them up as examples to their elders, which I myself have always thought the chief use of children, if what is perfect should have a use. Dante describes the soul of man as coming from the hand of God “weeping and laughing like a little child,” and Christ also saw that the soul of each one should be “a guisa di fanciulla, che piangendo e ridendo pargoleggia.” [117.2] He felt that life was changeful, fluid, active, and that to allow it to be stereotyped into any form was death[117b]. He said that people should not be too serious over material, common interests: that to be unpractical was a great thing: that one should not bother too much over affairs. “The birds didn’t, why should man?” He is charming when he says, “Take no thought for the morrow. Is not the soul more than meat? Is not the body more than raiment?” [117.3] A Greek might have said the latter phrase. It is full of Greek feeling. But only Christ could have said both, and so summed up life perfectly for us[117c].

如果我真的重新提笔,指的是艺术创作,那只有两个主题我希望提出自己的看法并通过它们来表达自己[117a]:一个是“基督乃生活中浪漫主义运动的先驱”;另一个是“艺术生命与为人处世的关系”。第一个,当然了,很是引人入胜,因为我在基督身上不单看到了浪漫主义最高楷模不可或缺的精要,还看到了浪漫气质所有随机的、甚至是率性的成分。他是天下第一人,要大家过“花一样的”生活。他落实了这句话。他把儿童作为人们学习的楷模,把儿童树立为长辈的榜样。我本人一向都认为这是儿童的首要作用,如果完美的事物也应该有点用的话。但丁把人的灵魂描写为“像个小孩一样又哭又笑的”从上帝手中出来,而基督也认为每个人的灵魂应该“像个小小女孩,躺在地上又哭又笑”。他感到生活是变化的、流动的、积极的,让它僵化成为任何形式都意味着死亡[117b]。他说人不该太过执着于物质的、世俗的利益,能变得不实际是了不起的事,不要太汲汲于大小事务。“鸟都不用操心,何况人呢?” 他说得真好,“不要为明天忧虑。灵魂不胜于饮食么?身体不胜于衣裳么?” 希腊人也许会说这后一句,那句充满了希腊感。但只有基督才会两句都说,替我们把生活总结得如此一丝不差[117c]。 


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