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13 九楼

发布时间:2023-03-08 08:01:00

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13 九楼

我给这些权威人士寄一封信,他们可能会忽略: Lynn Szymoniak,“Mortgage Assignments as Evidence of Fraud," Fraud Digest, February 9,2010,available at http: //4clcsurefraud.org/2010/03/07/mortgage-assignments-as- evidence-o f- fraud-lynn-szymoniak-esq-editor- fra ud-digest。

戴安娜·刘易斯法官批准了贷款方程序服务公司申请的保护令:Docket report, Deutsche Bank v. Lynn Szymoniak, Clerk and Comptroller,Palm Beach County, accessed at http:  //courtcon.  co.  palm-beach.n.us/pls/jiWp/ck_public_qry_doct.   cp_dktrpt_frames?  backto=P&case_id = 502008CA022258XX:>clKIVIB&begin _ date =&end_date = 。

后者获得过《虚假陈述法》诉讼史上最大的几项胜诉: Reuben Guttman biography, Emory University School of Law, http:  //law.   emory.edu/faculty-and-scholarship/adjunct-faculty-profiles/guttman-profile. html。

因而购买了价值数百亿美元的抵押贷款支持证券: Federal Reserve 13ank of New York, "Maiden Lane Transactions," history and overview,www. newyorkfed. org/markets/maidenlane. html。

美联储为降低长期利率,也购买了几兆亿美元的抵押贷款支持证券: Press release, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,November 25,  2008,  www. federalreserve.  gov/newsevents/press/monetary/20081125b. htm。

也许她可以效仿之前在杰克逊维尔对贷款方程序服务公司和DocX的处理方式: Lynn Szymoniak, "Why Wells Fargo Must Be Ordered to Stop Its Foreclosures,”Fraud Digest, October 7,  2010, available at http://4closurefraud. org/2010/10/07/false-statements-americas-servicing-company-lender-processing-services-wells- fargo-bank-n-a 。

“住房危机:该相信谁并向谁求助”: Flyer for event,available at http: //myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/KGRG-832RQV/Sfile/Miami-Forum-flyer-English. pdf。

汤姆·艾斯得到了伊琳“州政府以外机构的兼职许可申请”:Michael Redrnan, "Scandalous-Substantiated Allegations of Foreclosure Fraud That Implicatcs the Florida Attorney General's Office and The Florida Default Law Group,” 4closurefraud.  org, March 26, 2010。

她还是在三年内公证了十五万份佛罗里达逾期法务集团的文件:Matt Gutman  and  Bradley  Blackburn,“ Foreclosure Crisis:  23  States Halt Foreclosure as Officials Review Bank Practices," AI3C News,October 4, 2010。

艾斯律所还发现了好几种不同版本的伊琳的手写签名: Michael Redman,:‘ Scandalous-Substantiated Allegations of Foreclosure Fraud That Implicates the Florida Attorney General's Offce and The Florida Default Law Group," 4closurefraud.  org, March 26, 2010。   

佛罗里达逾期法务集团装得好像从来没有库劳洛的十五万份书面证明:  Wells, Fargo Bank v.  Donald Needham& Blair Bergstrom,  Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Reconsideration/Rehearing on Non-Parties' Motion for Protective Order, Case No.  2009-20298-CINS, available at www.scribd,com/doc/289 79 629/Motion- Substantiated-Allegations-of-Foreclosure-Fraud-That-Implicates-the- Florida-Attorney-General- s-0 f fic e-and -ie-Florida-Default-Law-Group。

因此有效期显示是9999年9月9日:Michael Redman,“1 wish that this was MY mortgage, don't you? DOCX Assignments Effective 09/09/9999,”4closurefraud.  org, March 9, 2010。    

他在网上贴出了一份艾斯律所的庭审记录: Matthew Weidner,“Bombshell-Substantiated Allegations of Foreclosure/Affidavit Fraud That Implicates the Florida Attorney General's Office," Matthew Weidner's blog,March26,2010,availableathttps: //web.archive.org/wcb/20100328081340/http: //mattweidnerlaw. com/blog/2010/03/bombshell-substantiated-allegations-o f- foreclosurea ffidavit- fraud-that-implicates- the- florida-attorney-generals-office。

但韦德纳发布后,他也发布了这篇文章: Michael Redman,"Scandalous-Substantiated Allegations of Foreclosure Fraud That Implicates the Florida Attorney General's Office and The Florida Default Law Group,"4closurefraud.  org, March 26, 2010。

显然他接替妻子成为了佛罗里达逾期法务集团的专家证人: Michael Redman,  "Guess the Money Is Too Good to Pass Up-Introducing the Cullaros New Replacement-Expert Witness for Reasonable Attorneys Fees for FDLG Florida Default Law Group," 4closurefraud.  org, April 2, 2010。

总检察长比尔·麦科勒姆宣布,他将调查佛罗里达逾期法务集团:Michael Redman,  “ Florida  Attorney General Bill McCollum Launches Investigations into Florida Default Law Group and Docx, LLC a/k/a Lender Processing Services," 4closurefraud.  org, April 29, 2010. Also Amir Efrati,“Florida Probing Law Firm in Foreclosures," Wall Street journal,April 30, 2010。

总检察长也开展了: Shannon Behnken and Michael Sasso,“State AG Investigates Its Own," Tampa Tribune, May l, 2010。

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