皮皮阅读 · 王尔德的诗英文版
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Poem: Theoretikos

发布时间:2022-05-09 18:25:29

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Poem: Theoretikos


This mighty empire hath but feet of clay:

Of all its ancient chivalry and might

Our little island is forsaken quite:

Some enemy hath stolen its crown of bay,

And from its hills that voice hath passed away

Which spake of Freedom:  O come out of it,

Come out of it, my Soul, thou art not fit

For this vile traffic-house, where day by day

Wisdom and reverence are sold at mart,

And the rude people rage with ignorant cries

Against an heritage of centuries.

It mars my calm:  wherefore in dreams of Art

And loftiest culture I would stand apart,

Neither for God, nor for his enemies.


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