皮皮阅读 · 海底两万里英文版
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28 惊奇还是意外(10)

发布时间:2021-06-29 09:24:24

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Yes, Ned Land repeated, "so long as we get out!"


I strolled for a little while from the lounge into the library. My companions kept their seats and didn't move. Soon I threw myself down on a couch and picked up a book, which my eyes skimmed mechanically.


A quarter of an hour later, Conseil approached me, saying:


Is it deeply fascinating, this volume master is reading?


Tremendously fascinating, I replied.


I believe it. Master is reading his own book!


My own book?


Indeed, my hands were holding my own work on the great ocean depths. I hadn't even suspected. I closed the book and resumed my strolling. Ned and Conseil stood up to leave.


Stay here, my friends, I said, stopping them. "Let's stay together until we're out of this blind alley."


As master wishes, Conseil replied.


The hours passed. I often studied the instruments hanging on the lounge wall. The pressure gauge indicated that the Nautilus stayed at a constant depth of 300 meters, the compass that it kept heading south, the log that it was traveling at a speed of twenty miles per hour, an excessive speed in such a cramped area. But Captain Nemo knew that by this point there was no such thing as too fast, since minutes were now worth centuries.

“几小时过去了,我时常看那挂在客厅墙壁上的机械压力表指出,诺第留 斯号保持在三百米深的一定水层中,罗盘总是指向南,测程器的记录是速度每小时二十海里,在紧窄的水道中来说,这是过快的速度。尼摩船长知道船行不能过快, 但这时候,几分钟简直等于几世纪呢。

At 8:25 a second collision took place. This time astern. I grew pale. My companions came over. I clutched Conseil's hand. Our eyes questioned each other, and more directly than if our thoughts had been translated into words.


Just then the captain entered the lounge. I went to him.


Our path is barred to the south? I asked him.


Yes, sir. When it overturned, that iceberg closed off every exit.


We're boxed in? Yes.


End of chapter 15


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